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Cointract is a recognised financial intermediary in Switzerland


Updated: Jul 26, 2023

Did you know that Cointract is accepted as a member of the VQF, a FINMA-recognised self-regulatory organisation (SRO), since October 2022? This makes us an official financial intermediary.

Cointract Schweizer Crypto Trading App ist Finanzintermediär und wird reguliert vom VQF, Zug

What does the membership imply?

Self-regulatory organisations (SROs) are officially recognised by the FINMA and act as a supervisory system in Switzerland to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. One of the largest Swiss self-regulatory organisations is the VQF in Zug.

The Financial Services Standard Association - VQF for short - is tasked with monitoring the compliance with obligations arising from the Anti-Money Laundering Act. In order to do this, the VQF conducts periodic audits of its members. The regular audits guarantee a high level of compliance.

As a member of the VQF, Cointract is therefore given the status of "financial intermediary".

Your benefits

The status as a financial intermediary is an important milestone for Cointract and its customers, as we can guarantee transparency, security and Swiss quality with this label.

All the advantages for you as a Cointract user are:

  • Our processes are regularly audited externally.

  • We operate within the legal framework and are subject to the quality controls with regard to the MLA.

  • The high level of technical automation guarantees security and reliability.

Let's celebrate security and regulation!

This article is for information purposes / advertising.



Sonnmatt 7

CH-6213 Knutwil

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Cointract AG is considered a financial intermediary and is a member of the Association for the Quality Assurance of Financial Services, Zug.



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