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This is it! The new Cointract app is out.


Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Finally, the time has come: The new crypto trading app with innovative features can be downloaded from the App Store (iOS & Android) as of today.

Cointract Crypto Trading App - Works hard while you live life with easy crypto investments

Attractive interest rates of up to 8% and automated crypto trading.

Gone are the days when we struggled to navigate the crypto world. No more complicated trading processes, overwhelming challenges and insecurity. The new Swiss crypto trading app from Cointract allows you to manage everything on one platform without having to have a PhD in crypto and blockchain.

Cointract offers you a platform on which you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies in just a few steps. The best part: You can set buy and sell rules. This means that you can compensate for the high volatility of the crypto market by following a price and determining the criteria according to which you want to buy a coin or sell it again. The execution is automated. This makes your risk more bearable and you can sleep through the night in peace, even if the stock market is in turmoil. But what can the Cointract app do specifically?

Earning: Invest in Stablecoins

You can invest in Stablecoins with our product "Earning" in just five clicks. Stable-what? Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies that are linked to a real asset, such as USD, EUR or precious metals like gold. As a result, price fluctuations are minimised and the digital currencies are more stable.

This is an extremely interesting investment, because you can earn up to 8% interest - depending on which coin you choose.

Wondering how this works? On the one hand, the crypto exchanges on which currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and co are traded borrow coins in order to be able to cover the demand depending on the trading volume of individual cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, the market participants who borrow the coins in order to be able to profit better from the market conditions. They pay you a highly attractive interest rates for lending your coins. It' s similar to a Lombard loan.

In the long run, you can earn a lot of interest. On our app you can find a simulator - our earning calculator. Slide the dials back and forth and see how huge the projected interest earnings can be.

Trading: Simple and automated

Prior to trading, the Cointract app allows you to analyse and understand the crypto coins. We have implemented a number of interesting tools for this purpose, such as the "Bearish" and "Bullish" lables, the trend barometer and the coin characteristics. These indicators show you how the market is currently performing and how the coin is rated on five important market metrics (sentiment). This will help you to make a better and conscious decision when choosing a crypto coin.

Once you have made your choice, it's time to get down to business. You can now choose whether you want to make an immediate purchase or whether you want to set a rule.

You can define the rules for yourself to specify how much the rate should rise before the Cointract avatar triggers an automated purchase. If a coin is too expensive for your liking, simply define that the avatar is only allowed to buy when the price drops and recovers again afterwards. For example, you can indicate that the purchase should wait for a price drop of more than 5%. If the price subsequently recovers by at least 2%, the avatar should carry out the purchase.

Visuals of the Cointract Crypto Trading App

When selling, the same applies. Create sell rules and let the app do the work for you.

Just give it a try: No trading fees for one month!

Are you convinced? Download the app and complete the registration process in just a few steps. Transfer an amount to your Cointract account via bank transfer and start trading immediately.

To celebrate, we're waiving your trading fees* for one month. Which means your trades are free of charge during this time.

(*The trading volume for this promotion is limited to CHF 10'000. This promotion is valid for the subscription of a live account).

If you want to test the app extensively, you can set up a demo account for 10 days. You can then play and try out all the features in the Cointract app.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Cointract App. See you soon!

This article is for information purposes / advertising.



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