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Transparent fees are particularly important to us. That’s why we’ll always tell you the exact cost per transaction.


No surprises.

No hidden costs.


What we offer


1st month: Trades free of charge!  

Create a live account and save on exchange and trading fees in the first month.


Our features:

  • Trading

  • Earning

  • Cold Wallet

  • Yield on almost all assets held

  • Informative dashboards

  • Portfolio overview

  • Earning Calculator

  • Hot Coins

  • and many more



Account balance Trading & Earning

Account registration

Deposits & withdrawals

Transaction fees

Wallet deposit fees

Annual tax statement


up to CHF 7'499.-

free of charge

0.90 %

0.90 %

0.40% p.a.

free of charge


Account balance Trading & Earning

Account registration

Deposits & withdrawals

Transaction fees

Wallet deposit fees

Annual tax statement


 from CHF 7'500.-

free of charge

0.75 %

0.75 %

0.20% p.a.

free of charge


Benefit from lower fees with our loyalty level

Check out our fees here.


Sonnmatt 7

CH-6213 Knutwil



Bitte beachte, dass Investitionen mit Risiko verbunden sind. Es besteht die Möglichkeit eines Kapitalverlustes. Wahrscheinlichkeitsprognosen und Renditen werden zu Visualisierungszwecken verwendet und spiegeln möglicherweise nicht die aktuelle und künftige Leistung wider. Unsere Website stellt Werbung dar. Bitte konsultiere unsere AGB’s und unsere Datenschutzrichtlinien für weitere Informationen.

Cointract AG is considered a financial intermediary and is a member of the Association for the Quality Assurance of Financial Services, Zug.




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